MARA Equipment For Sale   ( Joe DeCosta Donation)
Contact Allen WA1BEE if you interested in any items.
#                    Equipment  Going Value Asking $ Sold  for
1 Kenwood Tranceiver TS-830s $450.00 $0.00
3 Kenwood SP-230 EX.Speaker $120.00 see above
4 Kenwood VFO-230  W/cable $275.00 see above
6 Kenwood TR-7950 2m trans. $100.00
8 Yaesu FT-7100 2m/440 $150.00
9 Astron Power suply RS-20M $99.00
12 Motorola 14.1v POWER Supply  $50.00
14 DCK-2 12V POWER CABLE R5000 $25.00
15 DK-210 Electronic Keyer $55.00
16 Daiwa cn550 SWR/power meter $50.00 ?
17 Swan swr/power meter  wm-2000A $90.00
19 MFJ-407d Deluxe Imbic keyer $50.00
20 MFJ-1118 Power Strip with meter $90-98  list ebay.
21 Diamond SWR/Power meter  SX40C $89.95 new ebay  to $134.
23 Icom Speaker-Mic HM-54 $78.00 NEW LIST.
24 Icom Speaker-Mic HM-54 $78.00
25 Kenwood Autopatch mike MC-46 $40.00 ? ?
26 Icom scanning MIC  IC-HM14 $30.00
28 LUTRON SPEED CONTROL 4X701 $40.00 lidt June 2021 $75
29 Daiwa active filter AF-606k $65 ?
30 Kenpro AZIMUTH INDICATOR KR-400 ? 20210807_143718.jpg
31 Cushcraft D4 world ranger rotatable dipole $240.00
32 Kenwood SWR/Power meter SW-100A $45.00 ebay new April 2021
35 Kenwood Head Phones  HS-5 81.95 HRO new
37 WW2   Field Frequency Meter BC 221-T $150.00
38 Motorla speaker  $12.00
39 Regency polaris speaker $12,.00
40 B&W #376 Coaxial switch $25.00
41 B&W #376 Coaxial switch $25.00
42 WA2ZOT  Low pass filter ?
43 Yaesu HT vx-5 tri band 2m 70 cm, 220 m works  
44 Kenwood  TR-2600A 2m HT.
45 Icom Bearcom HT  with charger. Qty 2
46 Tripp Lite Line Rgulator conditioner  $55.00 Ebay listed 55.00
 Out 120v 60Hz 600 watts